Monday, September 21, 2009

Farm Bureau Variety Show

On September 12, 2009 at the Eastern Idaho State Fair I played the Pupil's Concerto No. 2 on the violin accompanied by Susan Tripp on the piano. I took 1st place in my age division ( Juniors). There were eight divisions: Munchkins (ages 5 and under) , Pee Wees (ages 6-8) , Youth (ages 9-11) , Juniors (ages 12-15) , Young Adult (ages 16-25) , Adult (ages 16-15) , Senior (ages 60+) , Family/Group (all ages).

Monday, July 27, 2009

Just to Update you on my musical life

I Started taking violin lessons in 4th grade with a lady that was in my town (Aberdeen) but she didn't work out so my Mom and I found a lady that taught violin lessons she taught me how to hold the violin, where to put my fingers, how to read music ect... she had me memorise my songs by ear by having me turn away and not look at the music and she would play a few notes and make me pick them out on my violin then after we went through the song a few times she would let me look at the music. I took from her for about one and a half years with her then just as shcool was starting for me in 6th grade (September) when we found Susan Tripp who lives in Blackfoot too, but lives in town. When I started taking from her I was just a biginner. She and her students play every year at the Christmas Tree Fantasy so when I started they were just getting ready for that and we were staring on Christmas Songs. We learn 20 Christmas Songs for that evening once every year. In January Susan had me work on Vabraot with-in one week I had practicaly mastered it which usually takes the average violinist to get down in about a month and a half to three years or more. Last year I made my leap from biginner to intermidate and this summer I made a leap to Advanced. In July 2008 I decided to try my talent at piano and had never had a piano lesson in my life now I am a level 4 pianist and an Advanced violinist who is still going strong.